
the last post of the year

31 December 2009

I haven’t posted in several months so I thought I’d close out the year with a bang and actually write something. *gasp*

Life has been good this year.  I honestly really have nothing to complain about.  I still have a job and actually got a (tiny) raise when most people are losing theirs, I have my loved ones and my health, and I had the opportunity to do fun things!  In 2009, I actually travelled –twice!  Outside the country!  And inside the country!  I went to Los Angeles in February, to Cancun in August, and to Cabo San Lucas in November.

Work has been good (and busy), and my personal life has been bustling.  Okay, I may not be a social butterfly but I do go out with friends when I can.  And I spent some QT time with my family.

But I want 2010 to be better.  I want to make things happen in my life and not just let life happen to me.  Every year I feel I make the same “resolutions” but I always fail to meet them.  But here I go again.  This time with new goals… So here comes the ubiquitous “resolutions” list that usually goes with end-of-the-year posts… 

1) Be a better parent.  I always worry that I’m yelling too much at the kids; that I always seem to be the “frazzled mom” who rushes to get it over with.  I have to take a deep breath and be more patient, be more understanding, and be just be there for them.

2) Work out.  Get fit. Do some sort of physical activity.  The “mom-pooch” is getting bigger and bigger and it takes more sucking in to make it appear normal.  Must.Get.Toned!

3) Stop obsessing about other people and things I can’t do anything about –whether it’s to compare what I have vs. others, or wondering why this person doesn’t keep in touch, etc.  Just.Let.Go. and go on with my own life. 

4) Do obsess about what matters to me.  Like writing, or starting a band again and playing guitar.

5) Actually do something about what matters to me.  Woman, just write already!  Go snowboarding again!  Write songs.  Just.Do.It.

6) Stop buying things.  I always complain about not having enough money or being broke.  And why?  It’s to buy things that I don’t really need.  How can I stop though when I love to read new books, listen to new music, buy a new dress, etc.  Well I already frequent the library and ask people for music; I just have to realize that I can be fine without material things in my life.  This ties in with #9.

7) Get rid of clutter and create more space in my house.  I am constantly working on this (although it’s rather hard to do a deep cleaning all in one day when there are 2 young kids running around the house).  But I am always working on this.  Always.

8 ) Go on a trip once a year.  I’m already slated to go to Prague in 2010 with my friends!  Awesome.

9) Get my finances in order.  I worked really hard to eliminate/minimize my debt this year only to have the holiday season ruin my hard work.  But this year will be different.  I will have a zero balance by my birthday if it kills me!

10)  Have the family go to church regularly.  We haven’t been in ages but I think it’s high time to start again, especially so the kids can get familiar with it. 

Ciao for now!  Happy 2010 everyone!


  1. hey kat, haven’t been here a while.. you know we’re busy working moms 🙂 Nice resolutions you got there.. me, I will have to take my family on a vacation this year.. we had zero last year :(, to blog again (as regular as I can), and be a better parent too. take care always 🙂

  2. as always kat, your resolutions are really good and realistic.

  3. So happy that you’re blogging again! Missed your writing! Yey!

    • Toni! Thanks for the support! I missed writing too! =)

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